The code chunks below shows how to query the other datasets available. For official documentation go to:
# This queries the Research and Evaluation Inventory consisting of various documents.
# There is only one sheet associated with this dataset: researchEvaluationInventory
dol_oth(dataset = 5, sheet = 1)
# This queries the Geography datasets.
# This specifically queries the cities sheet.
dol_oth(dataset = 6, sheet = 1)
Datasets | Sheets |
V4212DataDotGov |
V100DataDotGov |
V100ADataDotGov | |
NumberOfRequestsPerKeys |
NumberOfRequestsPerDayByKeys | |
NumberOfRequestsPerMonthByKeys | |
NumberOfRequestsPerYearByKeys | |
NumberOfRequestsPerYearByWeeks | |
TopDatasetsPerKeys | |
TopDatasetsPerYearPerKeys | |
TopDatasetsPerMonthPerKeys | |
TopDatasetsPerWeekPerKeys | |
TopDatasetsPerDayPerKeys | |
TopDataTablesPerKeys | |
TopDataTablesPerKeyDays | |
TopDataTablesPerKeyMonths | |
TopDataTablesPerKeyWeeks | |
TopDataTablesPerKeyYears | |
researchEvaluationInventory |
City |
CongressDistrict | |
County | |
State | |
Agencies |
AgencyForms | |
Topics |
SubTopics | |
TopicQuestions | |
APIMetadatas |
Agencies |