This function queries the US Department of Labor Other Datasets. The datasets currently use V1 of DOL API.

dol_oth(dataset = 1, sheet = 1, key = Sys.getenv("DOL_KEY"))



There are currently 10 datasets to choose from. Specify the one you want with a number from 1-10.#'

  1. Sweat and Toil

  2. VETS4212

  3. VETS100

  4. API Metrics (per key)

  5. Research And Evaluation Inventory

  6. Geography

  7. Form

  8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  9. API Metadata

  10. Agency


For each dataset chosen, there are sub sheets within them. You must specify which sub-sheet you want.


The API key for this user. You must go to the DOL and sign up for an account and request for an API key.


A dataframe