This function queries for county(s) and returns FMR calculation. If the county is not a small area, it will return only single measurement for that county. If the county is considered a small area, it will return data at a zip code level.
year = format(Sys.Date() - 365, "%Y"),
key = Sys.getenv("HUD_KEY"),
to_tibble = getOption("rhud_use_tibble", FALSE)
- county
A character or numeric vector: a county to query for. Must be provided as a 5 digit fipcode.
- year
A character of numeric vector: gets the year that this data was recorded. Can specify multiple year(s). Default is the previous year.
- key
A character vector of length one with the key obtained from HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) USER website.
- to_tibble
A logical: if TRUE, return the data in a tibble format rather than a data frame.
A data frame with fair markets rent for zip codes in counties for all combinations of "county" and "year" inputs.