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This function queries the USPS Crosswalks API provided by US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD USER).


  year = format(Sys.Date() - 365, "%Y"),
  quarter = 1,
  minimal = FALSE,
  key = Sys.getenv("HUD_KEY"),
  to_tibble = getOption("rhud_use_tibble", FALSE)



Must be a number between 1 and 12 depending on the USPS Crosswalk type. You can also supply the string name.

  1. zip-tract

  2. zip-county

  3. zip-cbsa

  4. zip-cbsadiv (Available 4th Quarter 2017 onwards)

  5. zip-cd

  6. tract-zip

  7. county-zip

  8. cbsa-zip

  9. cbsadiv-zip (Available 4th Quarter 2017 onwards)

  10. cd-zip

  11. zip-countysub (Available 2nd Quarter 2018 onwards)

  12. countysub-zip (Available 2nd Quarter 2018 onwards)


5 digit USPS ZIP code of the data to retrieve. E.g. 22031 for type 1 to 5 and 11 . or 11 digit unique 2000 or 2010 Census tract GEOID consisting of state FIPS + county FIPS + tract code. Eg: 51059461700 for type 6 or 5 digit unique 2000 or 2010 Census county GEOID consisting of state FIPS + county FIPS. Eg: 51600 for type 7 or 5 digit CBSA code for Micropolitan and Metropolitan Areas Eg: 10380 for type 8 or 5-digit CBSA Division code which only applies to Metropolitan Areas. Eg: 35614 for type 9 or 4-digit GEOID for the Congressional District which consists of state FIPS + Congressional District code. Eg: 7200 for type 10 or 10-digit GEOID for the County sub Eg: 4606720300 for type 12


Gets the year that this data was recorded. Can specify multiple years. Default is the previous year.


Gets the quarter of the year that this data was recorded. Defaults to the first quarter of the year.


Return just the crosswalked GEOIDs if true. Otherwise, return all fields. This does not remove duplicates.


The key obtained from HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) USER website.


If TRUE, return the data in a tibble format rather than a data frame.


This function returns a dataframe containing crosswalk data for one geoid to another for all combinations of "query", "year", and "quarter" inputs where query depends on type specified. These measurements include res-ratio, bus-ratio, oth-ratio, tot-ratio. For more details on these measurements, visit


if (FALSE) {
hud_cw(type = 1, query = "35213", year = c("2010", "2011"),
   quarter = c("1"))

hud_cw(type = "2", query = "35213", year = c("2016", "2020"),
   quarter = c("2"))

hud_cw(type = 3, query = 35213, year = c("2012", "2011"),
   quarter = c("3"))

hud_cw(type = 4, query = "22031", year = c("2017", "2019"),
   quarter = c("4"))

hud_cw(type = "5", query = "35213", year = c(2011, "2012"),
   quarter = c("1", "2"))

hud_cw(type = 6, query = "48201223100", year = c("2017", "2010"),
   quarter = c("1", "2", "3"))

hud_cw(type = 7, query = "22031", year = c("2010", "2011"),
   quarter = c("1", "2", "3"))

hud_cw(type = 8, query = "10140", year = c("2010", "2011"),
   quarter = c("1", "2"))

hud_cw(type = 9, query = "10380", year = c("2017"),
   quarter = c("4"))

hud_cw(type = 10, query = "2202", year = c("2010", "2011"),
   quarter = c("4", "3"))

hud_cw(type = 11, query = "35213", year = c("2019", "2020"),
   quarter = c("2", "3"))

hud_cw(type = 12, query = "4606720300 ", year = c("2019", "2019", "2019"),
   quarter = c("4", "4"))